Have any questions, please contact us at 978-247-8933

Adult Services Provided: 

  • Post-Stoke Speech Therapy
  • Post- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Speech Therapy
  • Aphasia and Other Language Disorders
  • Accent Reduction 


Post-Stroke Speech Therapy: 

If you or a loved one have suffered from a stroke and need speech therapy to help regain cognition or expressive language, the Speech and Language Corner can work with you! We design customized regimens centered around patient's existing strengths which include both outpatient (in office) and at home excercises. 

Post-Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Speech Therapy: 

Suffering from a TBI can be stressful and we understand how you feel. The Speech and Language Corner  will leverage regional healthcare connections to get the individual attention you need and deserve. 


Have you or a loved one suffered from a left hemisphere stroke? If so, you or your loved one may suffer from aphasia. Schedule an appointment to get a specialized treatment, as the classification proccess of Aphasia is complicated and must be carried out by a trained professional to develop a sustainable treatment plan. 

Accent Reduction: 

Having an accent may inhibit your ability to express yourself both personally and professionally. The Speech and Language Corner provides the linguistic resources to retrain the tongue by making certain sounds and vowels more distinct. Our goal is to maintain the integrity of the speaker's origional language, while making their speech fundamentally understanable to others.